Understanding the nature of the Earth atmosphere
Based on balloon-borne observations, I have tried to understand more clearly the air mass transport and chemical distribution in the troposphere and stratosphere from the dynamical standpoint. My scientific interests are as follows.
- Dehydration processes in the tropical tropopause layer
- Air mass transport associated with deep convections
- Cloud microphysics
- Air mass transport processes from troposphere to stratosphere
- Circulation in the stratosphere
- Changing in transport field caused by global climate change
- Meteorological Society of Japan
- Japan Geoscience Union
- The Japan Society of Atmospheric Chemistry
- American Geophysical Union
- European Geosciences Union
[2] 科研費2018-2020年度 基盤研究(C)研究課題名「極域最下部成層圏における大気輸送と物質分布の変動要因の解明」研究課題番号「18K03738」(代表: 稲飯洋一)
[1] 科研費2015-2017年度 若手研究(B)研究課題名「熱帯対流圏界層クロック・トレーサー濃度変動と成層圏大気年齢についての研究」研究課題番号「15K17760」(代表: 稲飯洋一)
– Atmosphere
– Atmospheric Environment
– Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
– International Journal of Climatology
– JAXA Research and Development Report
– Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
– Remote Sensing
Photographs of our observations in February 2014.